5월, 2019의 게시물 표시
Silver Spoon 1) What is your reaction to the text you just read?     I heard about this book from my friend earlier, but this was the first time I actually read it. Also, I didn't know the book is about  Agricultural high school  life. Because of the name 'Silver Spoon', I thought this manga will be something about wealth and maybe about the competition among people who have more and less. But no, it was about peaceful farm life! I think this manga has a very interesting topic. There are not many  Agricultural mangas in this society, especially the funny one like this one. (I'm not sure this is counted as Agricultural manga, but still.) It's not like to react to the story, but now I know some of the knowledge of farm that people couldn't know in normal routes.   반응이라고 거창하게 할 만한 것은 없지만 평범하게는 관심을 가질 일도 알기도 힘든 지식들에 대해서 알게 되었다. 예를 들면 닭이 똥꼬로 알을 낳는다던지. 왠지 어디선가 들어봤던 것 같기도 하지만 완전히 잊었기에! 반면 중간중간 나와서 즐거웠던 것도 있었다. 엄청나게 관심을 주는 것 까지는 아니지만 나는 말을 제법 좋아한다. 예...